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Press Release: Mazi Nnamdi Kanu’s Case Finally Reassigned to Another Judge
Press Release: 8th March, 2025 Subject: Mazi Nnamdi Kanu’s case finally reassigned to another Judge Yesterday, before the legal team conducted our routine visitation to Mazi Nnamdi Kanu, we received two separate official letters regarding his case. The letters are momentous and somewhat pyrrhic. One letter was from the Honourable Chief Justice of Nigeria, responding to a recent letter we had written to her, seeking her prompt administrative intervention (as the administrative head of Nigerian judiciary) on the matter of a proper and lawful reassignment of Mazi Nnamdi Kanu’s case, following the recusal of the Judge that was conducting it. The other letter was from the Chief Judge of the Federal High Court, informing us that the case has been reassigned to another Judge of the Federal High Court. Consequent upon these latest developments, Mazi Nnamdi Kanu instructed the legal team to publicly convey his sincere gratitudes to the Chief Justice of Nigeria for her sound administrative discretions and the despatch with which she responded to our request. He also expressed his profound appreciations to members of the general public who publicly expressed their support to our righteous demands that Mazi Nnamdi Kanu’s case be reassigned to another Judge, as the law demands. To be sure, Mazi Nnamdi Kanu has always been ready to take his trial because he is firmly convinced of his innocence. But the perverse events of the past six months (from September 2024, when the recusal happened) posed portent dangers to his constitutional rights, particularly his right to fair and speedy hearing. It was in view of these untoward developments that we were propelled to resort to taking extraordinary measures to ensure that his case is properly reassigned and conducted in accordance with the law. So, now that the first steps have been taken by the authorities to do the lawful thing, Mazi Nnamdi Kanu and his legal team shall take stock and hanker down to the zealous preparation of his defense. Signed: Aloy Ejimakor, Esq. f/Mazi Nnamdi Kanu’s legal team. Mazi Nnamdi Kanu Update/Press Release Mazi Nnamdi Kanu Update/Press Release: 11th March, 2025. Rising from yesterday’s visitation with MAZI NNAMDI KANU, he instructed his legal team to publicly clarify the following critical points which have been the subject of persistent misinformation: 1. That the so-called treason or treasonable felony charges were all struck out on 14th October 2021 at the behest of the Federal Government because of the absence of any evidence to prove them. To be sure, these charges were struck out after Mazi Nnamdi had endured a grueling eighteen months detention and six years of trial on account of these charges. Thus, the sudden shift from treason to terrorism after the extraordinary rendition reflects a dubious move by the Federal Government to shift the goal post, which directly led to the current lengthy detention of Mazi Nnamdi Kanu. To be clear, treason (under Section 41 of the Criminal Code) requires proving intent to overthrow the State, a very high bar tied to Mazi Kanu’s pre-2017 self determination activities. After his 2021 abduction, the government reframed the case around terrorism, leveraging on IPOB’s 2017 proscription by Abubakar Malami & late Justice Kafarati to target post-2017 Mazi Nnamdi Kanu's broadcasts and leadership as a way to cripple a legitimate agitation for self determination - a protected right under Article 20 of the African Charter, enacted by the National Assembly in 1983. 2. For avoidance of doubt, Mazi Nnamdi Kanu was not “arrested” in Kenya but was instead abducted in what the Supreme Court (per Justice Emmanuel Agim) called a “criminal abduction” and characterized as “executive lawlessness”, a damning condemnation of the actions of the Nigerian government by the highest court in Nigeria. It is no different from the brazen and criminal manner kidnappers abduct their victims and demand ransom. The Supreme Court also acknowledged the egregious violations of international law & norms (e.g., extradition treaties) and Nigerian law (e.g., fair hearing and due process), consistent with the UN Working Group opinion in July 2022 calling Mazi Nnamdi Kanu's detention arbitrary. 3. Above all, the Federal government sidestepped a binding 2016 Federal High Court ruling that held that IPOB is not an unlawful group and resorted to leveraging in a procedurally flawed 2017 proscription to levy an infamous rendition against Mazi Nnamdi Kanu. To this day, Mazi Nnamdi Kanu's prosecution is still hinged on this highly flawed 2017 proscription of IPOB. Sooner than later, the day shall come when all these anomalies will no longer stand the test of time. Signed: Aloy Ejimakor, Esq. f/MNK Legal Team
Press Release: Mazi Nnamdi Kanu’s Case Finally Reassigned to Another Judge
Press Release: 8th March, 2025 Subject: Mazi Nnamdi Kanu’s case finally reassigned to another Judge Yesterday, before the legal team conducted our routine visitation to Mazi Nnamdi Kanu, we received two separate official letters regarding his case. The letters are momentous and somewhat pyrrhic. One letter was from the Honourable Chief Justice of Nigeria, responding to a recent letter we had written to her, seeking her prompt administrative intervention (as the administrative head of Nigerian judiciary) on the matter of a proper and lawful reassignment of Mazi Nnamdi Kanu’s case, following the recusal of the Judge that was conducting it. The other letter was from the Chief Judge of the Federal High Court, informing us that the case has been reassigned to another Judge of the Federal High Court. Consequent upon these latest developments, Mazi Nnamdi Kanu instructed the legal team to publicly convey his sincere gratitudes to the Chief Justice of Nigeria for her sound administrative discretions and the despatch with which she responded to our request. He also expressed his profound appreciations to members of the general public who publicly expressed their support to our righteous demands that Mazi Nnamdi Kanu’s case be reassigned to another Judge, as the law demands. To be sure, Mazi Nnamdi Kanu has always been ready to take his trial because he is firmly convinced of his innocence. But the perverse events of the past six months (from September 2024, when the recusal happened) posed portent dangers to his constitutional rights, particularly his right to fair and speedy hearing. It was in view of these untoward developments that we were propelled to resort to taking extraordinary measures to ensure that his case is properly reassigned and conducted in accordance with the law. So, now that the first steps have been taken by the authorities to do the lawful thing, Mazi Nnamdi Kanu and his legal team shall take stock and hanker down to the zealous preparation of his defense. Signed: Aloy Ejimakor, Esq. f/Mazi Nnamdi Kanu’s legal team. Mazi Nnamdi Kanu Update/Press Release Mazi Nnamdi Kanu Update/Press Release: 11th March, 2025. Rising from yesterday’s visitation with MAZI NNAMDI KANU, he instructed his legal team to publicly clarify the following critical points which have been the subject of persistent misinformation: 1. That the so-called treason or treasonable felony charges were all struck out on 14th October 2021 at the behest of the Federal Government because of the absence of any evidence to prove them. To be sure, these charges were struck out after Mazi Nnamdi had endured a grueling eighteen months detention and six years of trial on account of these charges. Thus, the sudden shift from treason to terrorism after the extraordinary rendition reflects a dubious move by the Federal Government to shift the goal post, which directly led to the current lengthy detention of Mazi Nnamdi Kanu. To be clear, treason (under Section 41 of the Criminal Code) requires proving intent to overthrow the State, a very high bar tied to Mazi Kanu’s pre-2017 self determination activities. After his 2021 abduction, the government reframed the case around terrorism, leveraging on IPOB’s 2017 proscription by Abubakar Malami & late Justice Kafarati to target post-2017 Mazi Nnamdi Kanu's broadcasts and leadership as a way to cripple a legitimate agitation for self determination - a protected right under Article 20 of the African Charter, enacted by the National Assembly in 1983. 2. For avoidance of doubt, Mazi Nnamdi Kanu was not “arrested” in Kenya but was instead abducted in what the Supreme Court (per Justice Emmanuel Agim) called a “criminal abduction” and characterized as “executive lawlessness”, a damning condemnation of the actions of the Nigerian government by the highest court in Nigeria. It is no different from the brazen and criminal manner kidnappers abduct their victims and demand ransom. The Supreme Court also acknowledged the egregious violations of international law & norms (e.g., extradition treaties) and Nigerian law (e.g., fair hearing and due process), consistent with the UN Working Group opinion in July 2022 calling Mazi Nnamdi Kanu's detention arbitrary. 3. Above all, the Federal government sidestepped a binding 2016 Federal High Court ruling that held that IPOB is not an unlawful group and resorted to leveraging in a procedurally flawed 2017 proscription to levy an infamous rendition against Mazi Nnamdi Kanu. To this day, Mazi Nnamdi Kanu's prosecution is still hinged on this highly flawed 2017 proscription of IPOB. Sooner than later, the day shall come when all these anomalies will no longer stand the test of time. Signed: Aloy Ejimakor, Esq. f/MNK Legal Team