Igbo Alphabets
The first thing about learning a language would be the alphabets of such a language. Some alphabets of some languages are in many ways unique and in Igbo language’s own case, it is no exception. Even though, Igbo language alphabet may exceed some well-known language characters as some are 26 or more. In Igbo language, the characters are 36 in number. See below:
The Small letters
In Igbo alphabets: a sounds like annual, apple b sounds like bee, become, behave ch sounds like church, chapel, chalk d sounds like deed, dig, diego e sounds like ate, egg, effort f sounds like field, fish, finish g sounds like gear, girl, give gb sounds like Igbo, fargboo gh sounds like neighbour, cough, ghetto, gw sounds like gwent, quash, h sounds like hen, hair, hear i sounds like ear, either, eaglet sounds like information, ignorant, ignition j sounds like jail, jam, jack k sounds like caught, colour, clutch, cough, kernel kp sounds like repute, catapult, markup kw sounds like quote, quick, question l sounds like leg, late, live m sounds like more, mad, male n sounds like no, note, nil ń sounds like rung, gong, song nw sounds like went, wench, wept ny sounds like pony, funny, Ronny o sounds like orange, owe, oat sounds like Austin, augment, automatic p sounds like pay, peas, pocket r sounds like report, reproduce, research s sounds like send, said, sue sh sounds like ship, sure, shall t sounds like tea, till, tee, thief u sounds like push, shoe, spoon, woof sounds like talk, pork, rock, pouf v sounds like victor, Vicky, vehicle w sounds like welt, way, width y sounds like year, yell, yeast z sounds like zero, zoo, zone
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Igbo Alphabets
The first thing about learning a language would be the alphabets of such a language. Some alphabets of some languages are in many ways unique and in Igbo language’s own case, it is no exception. Even though, Igbo language alphabet may exceed some well-known language characters as some are 26 or more. In Igbo language, the characters are 36 in number. See below:
The Small letters
In Igbo alphabets: a sounds like annual, apple b sounds like bee, become, behave ch sounds like church, chapel, chalk d sounds like deed, dig, diego e sounds like ate, egg, effort f sounds like field, fish, finish g sounds like gear, girl, give gb sounds like Igbo, fargboo gh sounds like neighbour, cough, ghetto, gw sounds like gwent, quash, h sounds like hen, hair, hear i sounds like ear, either, eaglet sounds like information, ignorant, ignition j sounds like jail, jam, jack k sounds like caught, colour, clutch, cough, kernel kp sounds like repute, catapult, markup kw sounds like quote, quick, question l sounds like leg, late, live m sounds like more, mad, male n sounds like no, note, nil ń sounds like rung, gong, song nw sounds like went, wench, wept ny sounds like pony, funny, Ronny o sounds like orange, owe, oat sounds like Austin, augment, automatic p sounds like pay, peas, pocket r sounds like report, reproduce, research s sounds like send, said, sue sh sounds like ship, sure, shall t sounds like tea, till, tee, thief u sounds like push, shoe, spoon, woof sounds like talk, pork, rock, pouf v sounds like victor, Vicky, vehicle w sounds like welt, way, width y sounds like year, yell, yeast z sounds like zero, zoo, zone