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It is so regrettable and despite of everything, it is occurring in the present day – Yoruba the Owner of Lagos and now Nigeria Written by Igbo Focus 25th January 2024 Nowadays one cannot talk about Lagos without being insulted about Yoruba is the owner of Lagos so Igbos must get out of Lagos or being insulted with Nigeria Biafra war, coupled with a boast that Nigeria won the war even though Nigeria got many countries to block Biafra or fight the war for Nigeria to claim it was a civil war. According to what we all have been acquainted, Britain, Cameroon, Chad, Egypt, Israel, Niger, Russia and Sudan fought that war for Nigeria, at the same time many other countries wedge Biafra or fought on the side of Nigeria whilst they are calling it a civil war. A civil war is a war fought within the country by the citizen or people of that country without any interference from external source or from other countries. In African countries, when there is a civil war, it is always the case that other countries want to participate especially those countries in Europe. However, when they are fighting their own wars, no other country should get involve – according to them. The same thing as election, when European countries or America is having their own elections, no other country should get involve in their elections. A few years back, during the US Election, they were so troubled that Russia and China were implicated or trying to be entangled with their election, then it was so much commotion about it, but if that was an African country – nobody careless. Yoruba the Owner of Lagos and Nigeria. If Yoruba own Lagos, why should the Nation’s Central Bank, Aviation Authority and other government departments be moving to a Yoruba Land. Does it mean that Yoruba own Nigeria or Yoruba own Nigeria Central Bank, Aviation Authority, etc. If Yoruba can influence or give directive to what goes on in Lagos, are they the ones that are going to dictate to us what goes on in the Central Bank, Aviation Industries, or various departments for Nigeria as whole. The reason they claimed to be moving the Central Bank, Aviation Authority, etc., to Lagos is security situations. Then, why not resolve the security issues of Abuja instead of moving government departments to a Yoruba state? On the other hand, why should it be Lagos instead of another state that is not owned by the Yoruba that will welcome everybody. Afterall Igbos and others are planning to move out of Lagos for the Yoruba owners to keep their inept Lagos. However, Abuja insecurity or conditions of things may be a plot to relocate government departments to Lagos knowing very well now how canny some Yoruba people can be. North should ensure that the relocation of government departments never occur because it will reach to a stage when Igbo, Hausa, Fulani, etc., will not be allowed to cross the threshold of Lagos. If that is the case, Lagos security conditions should be worsen so as we see whether the government will be relocating aforesaid departments again or find solution to security ailments. Yoruba has done it once and is planning to do it again by this time using Lagos to cause another civil war to categorically implicate Igbo as the cause of another civil war. Igbo is not afraid to fight another war if pushed. When M. K. O. Abiola was killed, Igbo thought that coyness Yoruba would fight North and in so doing, Igbo would close their borders and fight any of them (north or west) that extend beyond into Igbo boundaries. That time there would be no shortage of weapons as armaments were surplus, all onboard ships waiting for the war to start but Yoruba chicken out. Although some Igbo infiltrators informed Ibrahim Badamasi Babangida (IBB) on what was about to occur soon. When IBB heard and saw what was about to happen in Nigeria, IBB and his northern comrades played things safe, even reinforced and allowed Olusegun Obasanjo to become president. They even consented Olusegun Obasanjo to complete eight years without any distress from the north. I assertively agree to M. O. Eke when he narrated what Igbo people has gone through in the hands of north and west during and after the war: “we left our trenches and dropped our arms at the end of the War in 1970, we headed straight to the Houses we built. We were shocked to hear that the Nigeria Government branded them abandoned Properties and distributed it amongst themselves. We headed to the Banks to withdraw the millions we left there before the War; the Nigerians told us we could only have £20/pounds. It did not matter how much we had in our accounts. Homeless and penniless we went back to pick up the jobs we left when we fled for our lives, the Nigerians also told us we could not take back the jobs. They filled up our positions with poorly qualified folks. In that dare situation, we were mourning, hungry, penniless, homeless and jobless. The same idiots I call Nigerians quickly passed a policy they called Indigenisation Policy to sell off government companies to themselves knowing fully well that none of us could raise up to £21/pounds! You pulled yourself up without any assistance and quickly recovered and over-took the clowns with your mere £20/pounds, yet they did not rest, but rather took the same war to your various endeavours in the forms of quota system, exclusive economic lists, federal character, ELDS states, and cooked population figures and use of local government as the yard stick to disburse national cakes. Pause a bit and think of these short paragraphs. You will notice that Nigeria, the same zoo country you are proud of as an Igbo man, was designed and measures put in place to keep you down and out in Nigeria. Yet your slave mindset that has "short term memory of sorrow and pains" took over you to forgive and forget and you started behaving as though nothing happened in the past. You knew quite well that their deceptive Reconciliation, Reconstruction and Rehabilitation (RRR) measures was a farce. Your foolishness still made you to allow handshakes with them that went above the elbows. You still had the foolishness to build new houses in the areas they took the ones you earlier built. If you aim a gun at me and fire with the intention of killing me and you missed!! That you missed would make me NEVER to trust you again nor forgive you. I will take my own aim and make sure I NEUTRALISE you completely!!!
It is so regrettable and despite of everything, it is occurring in the present day – Yoruba the Owner of Lagos and now Nigeria Written by Igbo Focus 25th January 2024 Nowadays one cannot talk about Lagos without being insulted about Yoruba is the owner of Lagos so Igbos must get out of Lagos or being insulted with Nigeria Biafra war, coupled with a boast that Nigeria won the war even though Nigeria got many countries to block Biafra or fight the war for Nigeria to claim it was a civil war. According to what we all have been acquainted, Britain, Cameroon, Chad, Egypt, Israel, Niger, Russia and Sudan fought that war for Nigeria, at the same time many other countries wedge Biafra or fought on the side of Nigeria whilst they are calling it a civil war. A civil war is a war fought within the country by the citizen or people of that country without any interference from external source or from other countries. In African countries, when there is a civil war, it is always the case that other countries want to participate especially those countries in Europe. However, when they are fighting their own wars, no other country should get involve – according to them. The same thing as election, when European countries or America is having their own elections, no other country should get involve in their elections. A few years back, during the US Election, they were so troubled that Russia and China were implicated or trying to be entangled with their election, then it was so much commotion about it, but if that was an African country – nobody careless. Yoruba the Owner of Lagos and Nigeria. If Yoruba own Lagos, why should the Nation’s Central Bank, Aviation Authority and other government departments be moving to a Yoruba Land. Does it mean that Yoruba own Nigeria or Yoruba own Nigeria Central Bank, Aviation Authority, etc. If Yoruba can influence or give directive to what goes on in Lagos, are they the ones that are going to dictate to us what goes on in the Central Bank, Aviation Industries, or various departments for Nigeria as whole. The reason they claimed to be moving the Central Bank, Aviation Authority, etc., to Lagos is security situations. Then, why not resolve the security issues of Abuja instead of moving government departments to a Yoruba state? On the other hand, why should it be Lagos instead of another state that is not owned by the Yoruba that will welcome everybody. Afterall Igbos and others are planning to move out of Lagos for the Yoruba owners to keep their inept Lagos. However, Abuja insecurity or conditions of things may be a plot to relocate government departments to Lagos knowing very well now how canny some Yoruba people can be. North should ensure that the relocation of government departments never occur because it will reach to a stage when Igbo, Hausa, Fulani, etc., will not be allowed to cross the threshold of Lagos. If that is the case, Lagos security conditions should be worsen so as we see whether the government will be relocating aforesaid departments again or find solution to security ailments. Yoruba has done it once and is planning to do it again by this time using Lagos to cause another civil war to categorically implicate Igbo as the cause of another civil war. Igbo is not afraid to fight another war if pushed. When M. K. O. Abiola was killed, Igbo thought that coyness Yoruba would fight North and in so doing, Igbo would close their borders and fight any of them (north or west) that extend beyond into Igbo boundaries. That time there would be no shortage of weapons as armaments were surplus, all onboard ships waiting for the war to start but Yoruba chicken out. Although some Igbo infiltrators informed Ibrahim Badamasi Babangida (IBB) on what was about to occur soon. When IBB heard and saw what was about to happen in Nigeria, IBB and his northern comrades played things safe, even reinforced and allowed Olusegun Obasanjo to become president. They even consented Olusegun Obasanjo to complete eight years without any distress from the north. I assertively agree to M. O. Eke when he narrated what Igbo people has gone through in the hands of north and west during and after the war: “we left our trenches and dropped our arms at the end of the War in 1970, we headed straight to the Houses we built. We were shocked to hear that the Nigeria Government branded them abandoned Properties and distributed it amongst themselves. We headed to the Banks to withdraw the millions we left there before the War; the Nigerians told us we could only have £20/pounds. It did not matter how much we had in our accounts. Homeless and penniless we went back to pick up the jobs we left when we fled for our lives, the Nigerians also told us we could not take back the jobs. They filled up our positions with poorly qualified folks. In that dare situation, we were mourning, hungry, penniless, homeless and jobless. The same idiots I call Nigerians quickly passed a policy they called Indigenisation Policy to sell off government companies to themselves knowing fully well that none of us could raise up to £21/pounds! You pulled yourself up without any assistance and quickly recovered and over- took the clowns with your mere £20/pounds, yet they did not rest, but rather took the same war to your various endeavours in the forms of quota system, exclusive economic lists, federal character, ELDS states, and cooked population figures and use of local government as the yard stick to disburse national cakes. Pause a bit and think of these short paragraphs. You will notice that Nigeria, the same zoo country you are proud of as an Igbo man, was designed and measures put in place to keep you down and out in Nigeria. Yet your slave mindset that has "short term memory of sorrow and pains" took over you to forgive and forget and you started behaving as though nothing happened in the past. You knew quite well that their deceptive Reconciliation, Reconstruction and Rehabilitation (RRR) measures was a farce. Your foolishness still made you to allow handshakes with them that went above the elbows. You still had the foolishness to build new houses in the areas they took the ones you earlier built. If you aim a gun at me and fire with the intention of killing me and you missed!! That you missed would make me NEVER to trust you again nor forgive you. I will take my own aim and make sure I NEUTRALISE you completely!!!