Everyday Igbo Words
G get wete; weta (weta oche - get a chair) girl nwa agbọọ; agbọọbia (Adaeze dika nwa agbọọ uda - Adaeze is like a girl now) give nye to give inye (nye mụ mmịrị - give me water) glue gulu (gulu osisi - glue the wood) go ga; gawa; je; jewe to go ije; ijewe; ịga; ịgawa (biko ga – please go) going on meganu (gịnị bụ ihe meganu - what is the thing going on) go well gazie; gazie ọfuma (Gloria gazie ọfuma - Gloria go well) goat ewọ goat meat anụ ewọ (wete anụ ewọ - bring goat meat) God Chi; Chineke; Chukwu (ekpere nke Chineke - pray to God) God’s blessing ngọzi Chineke; ngọzi Chukwu (na ngọzi Chineke – with God’s blessing) God’s grace amara Chineke; amara Chukwu (na amara Chineke – with God’s grace) God’s mercy ebere Chineke; ebere Chukwu (ekpere na ebere Chineke – pray for God’s mercy) gold edọ; ọla edọ (Ngozi tinye ọla edọ - Ngozi put gold) gone apu; opupu; opọla (nna apu uda - father gone now) good ọfuma; mma; odi mma very good maramma (Uche mere ọfuma – Uche did good) good health ahụike (ahụike di Nduka - Nduka is in good health) goodness ihe ọma (mụ ihe ọma – my goodness) good thing ihe ọma (ihe ọma diri gị - good thing be with you) got gi; nye; nyere (nmụ nye ụgbọ - I got a car) grandfather nnanna (nnanna bịara taa - grandfather came today) grandmother nnenne (nnenne nọna ahia - grandmother is in the market) grass achara; ahiha (achara mechiri ụlọ - grass cover the house) greet kele; ekele; kene; ekene (kele nna anyi - greet our father) ground ala (ụgbọ na agba na ala - car runs on the ground) grown otole (otole nwoke - grown a man) gun egbe (gbalaga nwoke gi egbe - run away the man got a gun) gut afo (afo ya di ibu - his gut is big) Top H habit omume (omume ya di njoo – his or her habit is bad) hail oku nmọọ (mmadụ agala na oku nmọọ - someone or a person has gone to hail) happy obi dimuụto (nne di obi dimuụto – mother is happy) happen ọ mere; mega happening mehariga (kedụ ngbe ọ mere – when did it happen) have were to have iwere; inwe (were ri – have food) have mercy on me mere mụ ebere heart obi (obi mgbafu mụ - I nearly had heart attack) heart attack obi mgbafu (ekwele obi mgbafu gị - don’t have heart attack) help inye aka (biko inye aka – please help) herbs ahihia ọgụ (ojo g mụ, wete ahihia ọgụ - I am not well, bring herbs) here ebea; ebe (Ada bịaa ebea – Ada come here) here it is le ya (le ya bụ ego – here it is the money) hero dike (Junko wụ dike – Junko is hero) her ya (nke ya no ebea – her own is here) hers ya (nke ya no ebea – hers is here) hide zoro; ozuzo (Ngozi zoro ego – Ngozi hide the money) high elu (ụgbọ elu – an airplane or motor that fly high) hill ugwu (ụgbọ riịga ugwu – motor is climbing the hill) him ya (nye ya ri – give him food) his ya (nke ya – his own) hold jido; jide (jido ego – hold the money) home ụlọ (Nnaka alala ụlọ - Nnaka has gone home) hospital ụlọ ọgwụ (Tina jere ụlọ ọgwụ – Tina went the hospital) hot ọkụ (mmịrị ọkụ - hot water or tea) house ụlọ (Ebere alala ụlọ - Ebere has gone to the house) household ezinụlọ (ezinụlọ Uche – Uche’s household) how kedụ; ọ bụ; ele; otuole (kedụ maka nnanna – how is grandfather) how close ọ dị nso (ụlọ dị nso – house is close) how far ọ tere anya (ụlọ etere anya – house is not far) how many ọ bụ ole (ọ bụ ole? ọ bụ ise – how many? there are five) how much ọ bụ ego ole (ọ bụ ego ole? ọ bụ ego asaa – how much? it is x7) how near ọ tere anya (ọ tere anya? ọ tere du anya – how near? it is near) hunger agụụ (agụụ egbu mụ - hunger has killed me) hunt ichu; icho (ichu anu – hunt for meat) hurry ọsisọ (bịaa ọsisọ - come in a hurry) hurt emeru; egbugbu (emeru mụ ahu – I hurt myself) husband di (di mụ pọla – my husband has gone out) Top I i mụ; nmụ; nmụwa (mụ na Joe gara – I and Joe went) i will aga mụ (aga mụ aga - I will go) i am ọ bụ mụ; abụ mụ; anomụ (ọ bụ mụ bụ okpara – I am the first son) idea uche (uche mụ di mma – my idea is good) ill ọrịa; egike; ahu ọjọọ (ọrịa mụ ditụ mma – my ill is getting better) ill health ọrịarịa; nrịarịa (ọrịarịa mụ ditụ mma – my ill health is getting better) imitation nnomi (nnomi di mma – the imitation is good) in na; nọ; nọna (ego nọna igbe – the money is in the box) inlaw ọgọ man inlaw ọgọ nwoke woman inlaw ọgọ nwanyi our inlaw ọgọ anyi inside ime (ego nọna ime – the money is inside) interview ijụ ajụjụ (Joseph ma iju ajuju – Joseph like to interview) is di; bụ; dina; na; wụ; wụka (ite di eba – the pot is here) is here di eba (ego di eba – money is here) is in nọna (ego nọna ụlọ - money is in the house) is like dika (ụgbọ ya dika ụgbọ elu – his motor is like airplane) is that you ọ bụ gi (ọ bụ gi di iha – is that you am seeing) it is me ọ bụ mụ; abụ mụ (ọ bụ mụ di eba – it is me here) i think eche mụ; echere mụ (eche mụ na pọla – I think that you gone) it is ọ bụ (ọ bụ gị were ego – it is you that took the money) it’s all right ọ dị mma (ọ dị mma bịaa azu – it’s all right come back) I want to achorumụ (achorumụ iri ri – I want to eat food) Top J jewelry ọla (Nneka yi ọla - Nneka wears jewelry) job orụ (Obi tuge orụ - Obi is looking for a job) join soro (Peter soro mụ - Peter join/follow me) journey ịje (nna gara ịje – father went on a journey) jug iko (nyem iko – bring jug) jungle ọhia; ohia; ọfịa; ofịa middle of the jungle ime ọhia; ime ohia or ime ọfịa; ofịa (ahia nọna ọhia – the market is in jungle) Top K kill gbu; gburu; igbu (gbu anu ọhia – kill bush animal or meat) king eze; igwe (eze obodo – king of the town) kingdom obi eze (obi eze town – kingdom of a town) kiss isuonu; isusu onu (agbobia isuonu – lady’s kiss) kitchen ebe ano esi ri (nne no ebe ano esi ri – mother is in the kitchen) knife mma (wete mma – bring a knife) knock kụọ aka (mmadụ na kụọ aka - a person is knocking) knock at the door kụọ aka na ụzọ (mmadụ na kụọ aka na ụzọ - a person is knocking at the door) know mata; imata to know imata (Ada mata ihe – Ada knows something) knowledge ima ihe (ogu akwụkwọ bu ima ihe – to read is knowledge) kolanut oji (wete oji – bring kolanut) Top L lady agbobia (lekwe agbobia – look at the lady) land ala; ani; ana (ala ga di ma – the land will be good) language asusu (Igbo bu asusu – Igbo is a language) laugh amụ (Ebere na amụ amụ - Ebere is laughing) law iwu (ngbaji iwu – broke the law) learn muru; muta ihe (Chichi muru isi ri – Chichi learn cooking) leave hapụ; rapụ (hapụ ihe aka – leave something alone) left hand aka ikpa (ụgbọ di aka ikpa – the motor is a left hand) lie asii (akụkọ bu asii – the story is a lie) like ahuru nanya (ahurn gị nanya – I like you) little ntakịrị (nri di ntakịrị - the food is little) live bi; ibi (ele ebe ibi – where do you live) load ịbu (ịbu di aru – the load is heavy) lock gbachi; ngbachi (gbachi ụzọ - lock the door) long ogologo (osisi di ogologo – the tree is long) look le; ile; ne; ine (le mụ anyi – look at me) looking lege; tuge; etu (ha lege anya - they are looking at you) loud nkpọtu (egwu di nkpọtu – the music is loud) love ihu nanya (ihu nanya Ada na John – love of Ada and John) lunch ri ehihie (nye ya ri ehihie – give him lunch) Top M make me; ime to make something ime ihe man nwoke (nwoke na nwanyi – a man and a woman) man inlaw ọgọ nwoke (ọgọ mụ nwoke di mma – my man inlaw is good) manager onye isi; ọnye ịsị (Ekwe bu onye isi ebea – Ekwe is the manager here) mango mangoro (mangoro di uto – the mango is sweet) many ndi ririnne (ndi ririnne ndi mmadu di ebea – many people are here) market ahia (ndi ririnne ndi mmadu di na ahia – many people are in the market) marriage ịlu (ịlu Ada siri ike – marriage Ada was difficult) master; young man nwaokoro; nwaokorobia; mazi mattress agada (biko wete agada – please bring the mattress) mature oboole (oboole na nwaokorobia – mature to a young man) me mụ; nmụ; nmụwa (nmụ na ya gara ahia – me and her went to the market) meal ri (ri dim ma – the meal is good) meaning ihe owụ (ihe owụ bu – the meaning would be) meat anu; ntanta (re anu – eat meat) medicine ọgu (wete ọgu – bring medicine) meet izu; izuko; ngbako (ya na anyi ga izu – she and us will meet) meeting nzuko; ngbako (ya na anyi ga ga iwe ngbako – he and us will have a meeting) mend mekwa; i dozi; imekwa (biko mekwa ụzọ - please mend the door) mercy ebere (biko mere mụ ebere – please have mercy on me) message ozi (Ngozi digara mụ ozi – Ngozi sent me on a message) middle etiti; ekiti (Doze nọna etiti – Doze is in the middle) midnight ime abali (anyi nọga ime abali – we stayed till midnight) mind uche (na uche mụ - according to my mind) mine kem; kemụ; kemụwa (ola bu kem – the jewelry is mine) mirror nnyo; nnyo anya; ugegbe (le ihu gị na nnyo – look at your face in the mirror) miss nwaagbọghọ; nwaagbọbia (le kwa ntakiri nwaagbọghọ - look at a little miss) money ego (ego di na akpa – money is in the pocket) moon onwa new moon onwa ọhụrụ (le kwa onwa ukwu – look at a full moon) morning ụtụtụ (ụtụtụ mmara mma – the morning is very good) mother nne; mama (nne mụ - my mother) move gawa (bido gawa – start to move/go) mr (mister) mazi; maazị (mazi apọla – mr/he is gone out) mrs oriakụ; odoziakụ (Ugwa oriakụ apọla – Ugwa’s wife/mrs has gone out) much ole; nụgụrụ (ọ bụ ole – how much) murder egbu; egbru; igbu; igbu mmadu or madu (onye ka egbru – the person that murder) murdered onye egbruegbu (onye ka egbruegbu – person that is murdered) music egwu; nkwa; uri; uda (egwu uto – the music is sweet) my mụ; kemụ; kemụwa (ụgbọ mụ no na ụzọ - my car is on the road) my boyfriend enyi mụ nwoke (enyi mụ nwoke bu Obi – my boyfriend is Obi) my friend enyi mụ (enyi mụ bu Ada – my friend is Ada) my girlfriend enyi mụ nwanyi (enyi mụ nwanyi bu Reakụ – my girlfriend is Reakụ) my greeting ekele mụ (ekele mụ nna – my greetings father) my neighbour onye agbataobi mụ (onye agbataobi mụ wụ ndi Okoro my neighbor is Okoro family) Top
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Everyday Igbo Words
G get wete; weta (weta oche - get a chair) girl nwa agbọọ; agbọọbia (Adaeze dika nwa agbọọ uda - Adaeze is like a girl now) give nye to give inye (nye mụ mmịrị - give me water) glue gulu (gulu osisi - glue the wood) go ga; gawa; je; jewe to go ije; ijewe; ịga; ịgawa (biko ga – please go) going on meganu (gịnị bụ ihe meganu - what is the thing going on) go well gazie; gazie ọfuma (Gloria gazie ọfuma - Gloria go well) goat ewọ goat meat anụ ewọ (wete anụ ewọ - bring goat meat) God Chi; Chineke; Chukwu (ekpere nke Chineke - pray to God) God’s blessing ngọzi Chineke; ngọzi Chukwu (na ngọzi Chineke – with God’s blessing) God’s grace amara Chineke; amara Chukwu (na amara Chineke – with God’s grace) God’s mercy ebere Chineke; ebere Chukwu (ekpere na ebere Chineke – pray for God’s mercy) gold edọ; ọla edọ (Ngozi tinye ọla edọ - Ngozi put gold) gone apu; opupu; opọla (nna apu uda - father gone now) good ọfuma; mma; odi mma very good maramma (Uche mere ọfuma – Uche did good) good health ahụike (ahụike di Nduka - Nduka is in good health) goodness ihe ọma (mụ ihe ọma – my goodness) good thing ihe ọma (ihe ọma diri gị - good thing be with you) got gi; nye; nyere (nmụ nye ụgbọ - I got a car) grandfather nnanna (nnanna bịara taa - grandfather came today) grandmother nnenne (nnenne nọna ahia - grandmother is in the market) grass achara; ahiha (achara mechiri ụlọ - grass cover the house) greet kele; ekele; kene; ekene (kele nna anyi - greet our father) ground ala (ụgbọ na agba na ala - car runs on the ground) grown otole (otole nwoke - grown a man) gun egbe (gbalaga nwoke gi egbe - run away the man got a gun) gut afo (afo ya di ibu - his gut is big) Top H habit omume (omume ya di njoo – his or her habit is bad) hail oku nmọọ (mmadụ agala na oku nmọọ - someone or a person has gone to hail) happy obi dimuụto (nne di obi dimuụto – mother is happy) happen ọ mere; mega happening mehariga (kedụ ngbe ọ mere – when did it happen) have were to have iwere; inwe (were ri – have food) have mercy on me mere mụ ebere heart obi (obi mgbafu mụ - I nearly had heart attack) heart attack obi mgbafu (ekwele obi mgbafu gị - don’t have heart attack) help inye aka (biko inye aka – please help) herbs ahihia ọgụ (ojo g mụ, wete ahihia ọgụ - I am not well, bring herbs) here ebea; ebe (Ada bịaa ebea – Ada come here) here it is le ya (le ya bụ ego – here it is the money) hero dike (Junko wụ dike – Junko is hero) her ya (nke ya no ebea – her own is here) hers ya (nke ya no ebea – hers is here) hide zoro; ozuzo (Ngozi zoro ego – Ngozi hide the money) high elu (ụgbọ elu – an airplane or motor that fly high) hill ugwu (ụgbọ riịga ugwu – motor is climbing the hill) him ya (nye ya ri – give him food) his ya (nke ya – his own) hold jido; jide (jido ego – hold the money) home ụlọ (Nnaka alala ụlọ - Nnaka has gone home) hospital ụlọ ọgwụ (Tina jere ụlọ ọgwụ – Tina went the hospital) hot ọkụ (mmịrị ọkụ - hot water or tea) house ụlọ (Ebere alala ụlọ - Ebere has gone to the house) household ezinụlọ (ezinụlọ Uche – Uche’s household) how kedụ; ọ bụ; ele; otuole (kedụ maka nnanna – how is grandfather) how close ọ dị nso (ụlọ dị nso – house is close) how far ọ tere anya (ụlọ etere anya – house is not far) how many ọ bụ ole (ọ bụ ole? ọ bụ ise – how many? there are five) how much ọ bụ ego ole (ọ bụ ego ole? ọ bụ ego asaa – how much? it is x7) how near ọ tere anya (ọ tere anya? ọ tere du anya – how near? it is near) hunger agụụ (agụụ egbu mụ - hunger has killed me) hunt ichu; icho (ichu anu – hunt for meat) hurry ọsisọ (bịaa ọsisọ - come in a hurry) hurt emeru; egbugbu (emeru mụ ahu – I hurt myself) husband di (di mụ pọla – my husband has gone out) Top I i mụ; nmụ; nmụwa (mụ na Joe gara – I and Joe went) i will aga mụ (aga mụ aga - I will go) i am ọ bụ mụ; abụ mụ; anomụ (ọ bụ mụ bụ okpara – I am the first son) idea uche (uche mụ di mma – my idea is good) ill ọrịa; egike; ahu ọjọọ (ọrịa mụ ditụ mma – my ill is getting better) ill health ọrịarịa; nrịarịa (ọrịarịa mụ ditụ mma – my ill health is getting better) imitation nnomi (nnomi di mma – the imitation is good) in na; nọ; nọna (ego nọna igbe – the money is in the box) inlaw ọgọ man inlaw ọgọ nwoke woman inlaw ọgọ nwanyi our inlaw ọgọ anyi inside ime (ego nọna ime – the money is inside) interview ijụ ajụjụ (Joseph ma iju ajuju – Joseph like to interview) is di; bụ; dina; na; wụ; wụka (ite di eba – the pot is here) is here di eba (ego di eba – money is here) is in nọna (ego nọna ụlọ - money is in the house) is like dika (ụgbọ ya dika ụgbọ elu – his motor is like airplane) is that you ọ bụ gi (ọ bụ gi di iha – is that you am seeing) it is me ọ bụ mụ; abụ mụ (ọ bụ mụ di eba – it is me here) i think eche mụ; echere mụ (eche mụ na pọla – I think that you gone) it is ọ bụ (ọ bụ gị were ego – it is you that took the money) it’s all right ọ dị mma (ọ dị mma bịaa azu – it’s all right come back) I want to achorumụ (achorumụ iri ri – I want to eat food) Top J jewelry ọla (Nneka yi ọla - Nneka wears jewelry) job orụ (Obi tuge orụ - Obi is looking for a job) join soro (Peter soro mụ - Peter join/follow me) journey ịje (nna gara ịje – father went on a journey) jug iko (nyem iko – bring jug) jungle ọhia; ohia; ọfịa; ofịa middle of the jungle ime ọhia; ime ohia or ime ọfịa; ofịa (ahia nọna ọhia – the market is in jungle) Top K kill gbu; gburu; igbu (gbu anu ọhia – kill bush animal or meat) king eze; igwe (eze obodo – king of the town) kingdom obi eze (obi eze town – kingdom of a town) kiss isuonu; isusu onu (agbobia isuonu – lady’s kiss) kitchen ebe ano esi ri (nne no ebe ano esi ri – mother is in the kitchen) knife mma (wete mma – bring a knife) knock kụọ aka (mmadụ na kụọ aka - a person is knocking) knock at the door kụọ aka na ụzọ (mmadụ na kụọ aka na ụzọ - a person is knocking at the door) know mata; imata to know imata (Ada mata ihe – Ada knows something) knowledge ima ihe (ogu akwụkwọ bu ima ihe – to read is knowledge) kolanut oji (wete oji – bring kolanut) Top L lady agbobia (lekwe agbobia – look at the lady) land ala; ana (ala ga di ma – the land will be good) language asusu (Igbo bu asusu – Igbo is a language) laugh amụ (Ebere na amụ amụ - Ebere is laughing) law iwu (ngbaji iwu – broke the law) learn muru; muta ihe (Chichi muru isi ri – Chichi learn cooking) leave hapụ; rapụ (hapụ ihe aka – leave something alone) left hand aka ikpa (ụgbọ di aka ikpa – the motor is a left hand) lie asii (akụkọ bu asii – the story is a lie) like ahuru nanya (ahurn gị nanya – I like you) little ntakịrị (nri di ntakịrị - the food is little) live bi; ibi (ele ebe ibi – where do you live) load ịbu (ịbu di aru – the load is heavy) lock gbachi; ngbachi (gbachi ụzọ - lock the door) long ogologo (osisi di ogologo – the tree is long) look le; ile; ne; ine (le mụ anyi – look at me) looking lege; tuge; etu (ha lege anya - they are looking at you) loud nkpọtu (egwu di nkpọtu – the music is loud) love ihu nanya (ihu nanya Ada na John – love of Ada and John) lunch ri ehihie (nye ya ri ehihie – give him lunch) Top M make me; ime to make something ime ihe man nwoke (nwoke na nwanyi – a man and a woman) man inlaw ọgọ nwoke (ọgọ mụ nwoke di mma – my man inlaw is good) manager onye isi; ọnye ịsị (Ekwe bu onye isi ebea – Ekwe is the manager here) mango mangoro (mangoro di uto – the mango is sweet) many ndi ririnne (ndi ririnne ndi mmadu di ebea – many people are here) market ahia (ndi ririnne ndi mmadu di na ahia – many people are in the market) marriage ịlu (ịlu Ada siri ike – marriage Ada was difficult) master; young man nwaokoro; nwaokorobia; mazi mattress agada (biko wete agada – please bring the mattress) mature oboole (oboole na nwaokorobia – mature to a young man) me mụ; nmụ; nmụwa (mụ na ya gara ahia – me and her went to the market) meal ri (ri dim ma – the meal is good) meaning ihe owụ (ihe owụ bu – the meaning would be) meat anu; ntanta (re anu – eat meat) medicine ọgu (wete ọgu – bring medicine) meet izu; izuko; ngbako (ya na anyi ga izu – she and us will meet) meeting nzuko; ngbako (ya na anyi ga ga iwe ngbako – he and us will have a meeting) mend mekwa; i dozi; imekwa (biko mekwa ụzọ - please mend the door) mercy ebere (biko mere mụ ebere – please have mercy on me) message ozi (Ngozi digara mụ ozi – Ngozi sent me on a message) middle etiti; ekiti (Doze nọna etiti – Doze is in the middle) midnight ime abali (anyi nọga ime abali – we stayed till midnight) mind uche (na uche mụ - according to my mind) mine kem; kemụ; kemụwa (ola bu kem – the jewelry is mine) mirror nnyo; nnyo anya; ugegbe (le ihu gị na nnyo – look at your face in the mirror) miss nwaagbọghọ; nwaagbọbia (le kwa ntakiri nwaagbọghọ - look at a little miss) money ego (ego di na akpa – money is in the pocket) moon onwa new moon onwa ọhụrụ (le kwa onwa ukwu – look at a full moon) morning ụtụtụ (ụtụtụ mmara mma – the morning is very good) mother nne; mama (nne mụ - my mother) move gawa (bido gawa – start to move/go) mr (mister) mazi; maazị (mazi apọla – mr/he is gone out) mrs oriakụ; odoziakụ (Ugwa oriakụ apọla – Ugwa’s wife/mrs has gone out) much ole; nụgụrụ (ọ bụ ole – how much) murder egbu; egbru; igbu; igbu mmadu or madu (onye ka egbru – the person that murder) murdered onye egbruegbu (onye ka egbruegbu – person that is murdered) music egwu; nkwa; uri; uda (egwu uto – the music is sweet) my mụ; kemụ; kemụwa (ụgbọ mụ no na ụzọ - my car is on the road) my boyfriend enyi mụ nwoke (enyi mụ nwoke bu Obi – my boyfriend is Obi) my friend enyi mụ (enyi mụ bu Ada – my friend is Ada) my girlfriend enyi mụ nwanyi (enyi mụ nwanyi bu Reakụ – my girlfriend is Reakụ) my greeting ekele mụ (ekele mụ nna – my greetings father) my neighbour onye agbataobi mụ (onye agbataobi mụ wụ ndi Okoro my neighbor is Okoro family) Top